Denne Balkan-rejse giver dig en perfekt mulighed for at nyde den mangfoldighed og rigdom, som denne del af verden på sydsiden af Alperne har at byde på.
13 nights/14 days
From: 2,960€/person
Velegnet til de fleste mennesker, også børn/ældre, med en minimal mængde gang.
Our adventure begins on the “Sunny Side of the Alps” in Slovenia’s charming subalpine capital. Exploring Ljubljana, you’ll take in all the main sights while uncovering its rich history. The Den gamle bydel enchants with its timeless architecture, while the medieval castle perched above the city provides a unique vantage point. Vibrant markets and squares, along with the green Ljubljanica-floden winding through the city’s heart, create a scene that’s sure to leave a lasting impression.
Entré til Ljubljana Slot med svævebane
Sejltur på Ljubljanica-floden
Overnatning i Ljubljana
Dag 2 - Alperne
On the second day, we’ll explore more of Slovenia’s breathtaking natural beauty with a visit to Bled-søen, a true icon of Slovene tourism. This stunning alpine lake features a charming church on an island and an ancient castle perched high on a dramatic cliff. In the afternoon, we’ll head to another gem, Bohinj-søen, and take a cable car to the top of Vogel-bjerget, where spectacular panoramic views await.
Entré til Bled Slot
Traditional pletna boat ride to Bled Island
Vogel Mountain cable car
Overnatning i Ljubljana
Dag 3 - Slovensk karst
Man kan ikke besøge Slovenien uden at dykke ned i de fortryllende dybder af Postojna-hulen. Det er den ældste udstillingshule, der rummer utrolige underjordiske formationer og den indfødte "menneskefisk". Lige nede ad vejen fra denne underjordiske perle ligger Predjama Slot, the biggest and most fascinating cave castle in the world.
The temperature in the cave is 10C, so make sure you have warm layers with you.
Postojna-grottens entrégebyr
Entré til Predjama Slot
Overnatning i Ljubljana
Dag 4 - Kroatiens hovedstad
Next, we cross into Croatia, starting with its dynamic capital, Zagreb. Known for its vibrant cultural scene, Zagreb offers a perfect blend of history and modern life. The city’s attractions, easily reachable on foot, include the impressive Neo-Gothic Domkirke, the colorful St. Mark’s Church, and the picturesque den gamle by, all set against a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere that makes exploring a true pleasure.
Walking tour of Zagreb
Overnatning i Zagreb
Dag 5 - Plitvice UNESCO Nationalpark
Endnu en dag, endnu en fascinerende destination. Dag fem bringer mere naturskønhed til vores tur. Vi besøger Plitvice Nationalpark, a UNESCO's verdensarvsliste og Kroatiens første nationalpark. Dens kalkstensformationer, vandfald, og 16 rækkehuse og 16 søer vil tage vejret fra dig, når du går ned ad parkens sammenkædede gangbroer og vandreture stier. Om aftenen går turen videre til den dalmatiske kystby Zadar, en historisk havn og en livlig Den gamle bydel.
Entré til Plitvice Nationalpark
Overnatning i Zadar
Day 6 - Kornati Islands national park
Take a half-day boat tour to explore the stunning Kornati National Park, home to a breathtaking collection of 109 mostly uninhabited islands, islets, reefs and craggy rocks scattered over an area of 224 square kilometres. The park was named after the largest island – Kornati. Spend the day soaking in the natural beauty, with opportunities to swim and relax on gorgeous strande with tourquise waters. Discover the park’s unique landscapes, including the peaceful Telašćica Nature Park and its salty lake. Enjoy a peaceful day surrounded by some of Croatia’s most stunning scenery.
Boat trip to Kornati Islands national park
Overnatning i Zadar
Day 7 - Towns of Šibenik & Trogir
Vores næste destination er Šibenik. Sightseeing omkring denne dalmatiske juvel omfatter bl.a. Katedralen fra det 15. århundrede James, Prinsens Palads fra det 14. århundrede og den hvide stenbygning St. Fæstning med udsigt over Šibenik-bugten og de omkringliggende øer.
Ikke langt derfra ligger Trogir, en autentisk middelalderlig by forbundet med fastlandet og en tilstødende ø ved hjælp af broer. Trogir kommer i en blanding af renæssance, barok og romansk arkitektur og en sjælfuld atmosfære. Den travle dag slutter med en køretur til den solrige havneby Split.
Walking tour of Šibenik
Walking tour of Trogir
Overnatning i Split
Day 8 - Split and surroundings
Den syvende dag tilbringes efter dine ønsker. Du kan udforske Splits smukke gamle centrum, hoppe på en bådtur af de smukke nærliggende øer i Hvar og Vis, eller gå en tur rundt i Romerske ruiner i Solin, hovedstaden i den romerske provins Dalmatien. Uanset hvad du vælger, kan du være sikker på, at du vil få en fantastisk oplevelse.
Walking tour of Split
Boat trip to Hvar & Vis Islands
Trip to Solin & Klis Fortress
Overnatning i Split
Day 9 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
På den ottende dag kommer endnu et land ind på vores rejseplan. Det er på vej til Mostar, det berømte kulturarvsområde i det sydlige Bosnien og Hercegovina. Mostar er kendt i hele verden for sin ikoniske Den gamle bro over den Neretva-floden. Det er en rekonstrueret middelalderlig buet bro, der forbinder de to sider af byen og har en utrolig kulturel betydning. Mostars fantastiske Tyrkisk arv omfatter også Koski Mehmed-Pasha-moskeen og den fantastiske udsigt fra dens minaret. Dagen bruges på at udforske de smalle gader og markeder mens du nyder synet, lugtene og lydene fra et sted, der er forsvundet i tiden.
Walking tour of Mostar Old Town
Koski Mehmed-Pasha-moskeen - indgangsgebyr
Overnatning i Mostar
Day 10 - Sarajavo, capital of Bosnia
Explore the historic old town of Sarajevo, known as Baščaršija, on a guided walking tour, where you’ll discover its rich cultural heritage and vibrant atmosphere. Visit key landmarks, including the famous Baščaršija market and the beautiful Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque. Then, learn about Sarajevo’s resilience during the war with a visit to the Tunnel of Salvation. Experience the unique blend of history and modern life in this captivating city.
Walking tour of Sarajevo Old Town
Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque entrance fee
Tunnel of Salvation entrance fee
Overnight stay in Sarajevo
Day 11 - Počitelj & Ston
Start your day with a relaxed morning in Sarajevo, enjoying a traditional Bosnian coffee before starting your return to the Adriatic. We will stop in Počitelj, wander through its cobbled streets and admire the blend of Ottoman og Middelhavet architecture. We will continue on the coast to Ston, where we will walk along the ancient city walls, the longest in Europe, and take in sweeping views of the surrounding landscape, before continuing to our final stop of the day, Dubrovnik.
Ston Walls entrance fee
Overnatning i Dubrovnik
Day 12 - Walled-off town of Dubrovnik
Dubrovnik’s iconic Old Town is encircled by a massive stenvæg from the 16th century. You can walk the entire length of the wall and witness this time-capsule of town from above. Afterward, enjoy a guided walking tour through the Den gamle bydel, where you’ll explore Dubrovnik’s stunning architecture, from the baroque St. Blaise Church to the Renaissance Sponza Palace and the Gothic Rector’s Palace. Learn about the city’s rich history and cultural heritage as you stroll through its cobbled streets.
Walking tour of Durbovnik
Dubrovnik Walls entrance fee
Overnatning i Dubrovnik
Day 13 - Bay of Kotor in Montenegro
Take a scenic day trip from Dubrovnik to the beautiful town of Kotor på Montenegro, located along the stunning Bay of Kotor. Stroll through the medieval Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, with its charming streets and historical landmarks, including St. Tryphon’s Cathedral. Enjoy the dramatic scenery of the bay, surrounded by towering mountains that create a truly unique backdrop. Explore the town’s rich history and vibrant atmosphere as you discover the wonders of this picturesque coastal destination.
Walking tour of Kotor
Overnatning i Dubrovnik
Day 14 - Departure
Den sidste (officielle) dag på vores Balkanferie tilbringes i Dubrovnik. Der er masser af fantastiske ting at se og gøre i og omkring den gamle bydel, som helt sikkert vil fange din fantasi og efterlade et varigt indtryk.
Ikke nok? Vi kan altid tilføje dage efter eller før ferien for at gøre din ferie på Balkan længere!
Vil du lave nogle ændringer?
Skræddersyede ferier - fortæl os, hvad der fungerer for dig, og vi vil få det til at ske.
13 nights 3* (or more) accommodation with breakfast
Alle indgangsgebyrer og aktiviteter som beskrevet i rejseplanen
Entré til Ljubljana Slot med svævebane
Sejltur på Ljubljanica-floden
Entré til Bled Slot
Traditional pletna boat ride to Bled Island
Vogel Mountain cable car
Postojna-grottens entrégebyr
Entré til Predjama Slot
Walking tour of Zagreb
Entré til Plitvice Nationalpark
Boat trip to Kornati Islands national park
Walking tour of Šibenik
Walking tour of Trogir
Walking tour of Split
Walking tour of Mostar Old Town
Koski Mehmed-Pasha-moskeen - indgangsgebyr
Walking tour of Sarajevo Old Town
Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque entrance fee
Tunnel of Salvation entrance fee
Ston Walls entrance fee
Walking tour of Durbovnik
Dubrovnik Walls entrance fee
Walking tour of Kotor
Show More
Inkluderet i prisen
13 nights 3* (or more) accommodation with breakfast
Alle indgangsgebyrer og aktiviteter som beskrevet i rejseplanen
Comprehensive itinerary handout
Tour organisation
Entré til Ljubljana Slot med svævebane
Sejltur på Ljubljanica-floden
Entré til Bled Slot
Traditional pletna boat ride to Bled Island
Vogel Mountain cable car
Postojna-grottens entrégebyr
Entré til Predjama Slot
Walking tour of Zagreb
Entré til Plitvice Nationalpark
Boat trip to Kornati Islands national park
Walking tour of Šibenik
Walking tour of Trogir
Walking tour of Split
Walking tour of Mostar Old Town
Koski Mehmed-Pasha-moskeen - indgangsgebyr
Walking tour of Sarajevo Old Town
Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque entrance fee
Tunnel of Salvation entrance fee
Ston Walls entrance fee
Walking tour of Durbovnik
Dubrovnik Walls entrance fee
Walking tour of Kotor
Show More
Vores ekspedition rundt i Balkanregionen begynder i Ljubljana, the greenest of capitals. From there, we journey to world-famous Bled-søen og den magiske De julianske Alper, before delving into the captivating Postojna-hulen og Predjama Slot. This vibrant start offers a stunning introduction to Slovenia’s unique historical and geographical multiplicity.
Next, we travel to Croatia, beginning with a visit to Zagreb. From there, we explore the natural miracle of Plitvice Nationalpark, a forest reserve with captivating lakes and waterfalls. The journey continues to Zadar, a charming coastal town in Dalmatia, followed by a day trip to the idyllic Kornati Islands. We then make our way along the sunlit coastline to Šibenik og den gamle by Trogir, arriving in Split, Croatia’s second-largest city. The latter is a superb stepping stone to some of Dalmatia’s most attractive islands, Hvar and Vis, as well as the Roman ruins of Solin.
Our adventure then takes us to Bosnia & Herzegovina. We’ll be visiting Mostar, the country’s acclaimed cultural heritage site and the meeting point of cultures. From there, we spend some time in Sarajevo, the nation’s capital, soaking in its rich history, vibrant culture, and unique atmosphere.
We round up our amazing journey by heading back over the border to do some sightseeing in the ancient relic of Ston og den utroligt smukke by med bymure i Dubrovnik, a sensational Adriatic port of immense historical importance. While in Dubrovnik, we also take a day trip to Kotor in neighboring Montenegro, exploring its stunning bay and medieval charm.
Hvis et længere eventyr er mere efter din smag, kan du besøge Balkan-ture for at få nogle mere omfattende erfaringer. For en mere detaljeret beskrivelse af, hvad du kan forvente på denne rundrejse på Balkan, kan du se rejseplanen.
Begynd at planlægge i dag!
Jo før, jo bedre - garanteret tilgængelighed og de bedste priser, hvis du ikke venter for længe.
Det skal du vide
Afhentning i Ljubljana er inkluderet i den pris, der er offentliggjort på vores hjemmeside, og aflevering i slutningen af ferien er i Dubrovnik. Ved eventuelle ændringer bedes du give os besked ved reservationen. De inkluderede overførsler er alle overførsler mellem de steder og/eller aktiviteter, der er angivet i rejseplanen.
På din ferie vil du have en erfaren rejseleder/turleder, som vil tage sig af dig under hele turen. På nogle steder bliver byrundturene ledet af professionelle lokale guider. Alle vores guider sørger for, at du får kyndig vejledning kombineret med stor sjov og uforglemmelige oplevelser.
Både vores backoffice-team og vores guider ved, hvor de skal hen. Vi kan give dig anbefalinger eller endda forudbestille nogle steder for dig. Du kan også være eventyrlysten og finde steder på egen hånd. Uanset hvad, så lad os vide, hvis du har brug for nogen form for hjælp.
Det afhænger i virkeligheden af, hvor stor begrænsning du har. Vegetariske muligheder er ret lette at finde i Slovenien og Kroatien, men veganske retter er derimod meget svære at finde i landområderne og i de mindre byer. Bemærk venligst, at de steder, hvor vi stopper op til frokost, ofte er traditionelle og kan have svært ved at imødekomme dig uden for deres standardmenu. Vi foreslår, at du holder dette i baghovedet.
Det er vigtigt at klæde sig på efter årstiden. Slovenien har alle 4 årstider, så tjek venligst vejrudsigten før ferien med hensyn til temperaturer og nedbør. Når du er tæt på Alperne, kan du se alle 4 årstider skifte på samme dag, så det bedste er altid at medbringe et ekstra lag og regntøj. Kroatien bliver meget varmt, især om sommeren, så vi råder dig til at gøre som de lokale og medbringe badetøj for at køle dig ned i det lune Adriaterhav. Når du besøger religiøse bygninger, f.eks. kirker og moskeer, skal du have beskedent tøj, der dækker knæ og skuldre.
Hvis du har lyst til det, selvfølgelig! Vi ved godt, at nogle mennesker elsker at være i grupper, mens andre foretrækker at være mere alene på deres rejse. Vi ønskede at give dig mulighed for at gøre tingene på din måde. Det er jo trods alt din ferie! Så længe du respekterer gruppens tidsplaner og de steder, som din guide har udpeget, er du velkommen til at tilpasse din rejseplan og skabe dit eget eventyr!
Der vil sandsynligvis blive udsolgt af overnatningssteder
Garanteret de bedste priser
Ingen yderligere omkostninger
Penge tilbage ved uforudsigelige hændelser
R Spencer
Bekræftet kunde
The service provided by this company is first class. Our agent, Marusa was superb in terms of her communication, her suggestions and recommendations and brilliant organisation of our trip. Had we tied to organise for ourselves we would almost certainly have missed things out through lack of knowledge. Everything worked so well that we were able to make the most of our first wonderful visit to this beautiful, friendly and hospitable country. We loved it.
Jorrit van Gelder
Bekræftet kunde
Very helpful travel agency. Great contact who always replied swiftly and adequately. They deliver as promised!
Harrie Boonen
Bekræftet kunde
Slovenia Holidays / World Discovery ( travel agent Grega) arranged a one week travel program for us in Slovenia, combining our own wishes of some hiking and nature experiences, some sea-, city- and country-side visits and his own suggestions (Ljubljana food tour, Planina cave spelunking with personal guide, etc.). The process around customising the itinerary and perfecting it went very smooth. He arranged tickets, guides and a rental car, all accessible through a neat app, and the plan turned out to fit very well, including a rental car upgrade to accommodate larger then anticipated suitcases. We had not heard so much about Slovenia beforehand, but it is amazing, as are its people, food, culture and not least its diverse nature, its exceptional gorges and caves.
Chris Jukes
Bekræftet kunde
Slovenia Holidays did a fantastic job in putting together an eight-day, tailor-made tour for our small group. We had an amazing time and highly enjoyed all elements of our trip – including tour of Ljubljana, gorge hiking, visiting Slovenia’s famous caves, alpine views, hot air balloon ride, beautiful coastal town of Piran and, of course, delicious food and wine 😊. Our holiday agent – Grega - was a pleasure to work with and ensured our holiday covered the key locations and experiences Slovenia has to offer.
The tour was a perfect introduction of Slovenia – beautiful and diverse country. We enjoyed everything, well organised and felt in safe hands. Our guide – Sanda - was a good match for us and tuned into our relaxed attitude.
We would highly recommend Slovenia Holidays to anyone wishing to discover and explore real Slovenia.
Susan Mulready
Bekræftet kunde
Our private Hike and Bike tour was nothing short of amazing! We had a fantastic holiday, and Tomaz, our guide, went out of his way to ensure everything went smoothly. He was knowledgeable, punctual, entertaining, reliable, experienced... the perfect guide! It was a pleasure to indulge in such a breathtakingly beautiful country. Thank you, Ivana and Grega, for arranging our trip professionally and efficiently.
Carol Thomson
Bekræftet kunde
Slovenia Holidays var en fantastisk oplevelse for os. Der var en god balance mellem planlagte aktiviteter og fritid. Vores guide Ivana var ikke kun vidende, men også meget venlig og hjælpsom. Vi blev forelsket i Slovenien og ser frem til at tage tilbage. Når vi gør det, vil vi bruge Slovenia Holidays igen!
Saraah Daniel
Bekræftet kunde
Dear Urska
Happy New Year!
I wanted to extend our sincere gratitude for the amazing trip you put together for us. Every detail had been arranged and shared with us, making the trip stress free and extremely relaxing.
Having never previously used a travel agent I admit to being a little apprehensive, but I can't praise you enough for the seamless organisation and arrangements.
Tomaz was fantastic and stayed in contact as required for our various transfers. I would highly recommend you and your team to anyone travelling to Slovenia.
Unfortunately, I don't have a Google account so it will not register my 5-star rating, but please feel free to use the above for a testimonial.
Thank you again
stephen purcell
Bekræftet kunde
This was a fabulous trip from start to finish. Highly recommend Slovenia Tours!
Chuck Narod
Bekræftet kunde
Such a surprise that everyone spoke English and was most friendly. Our guide, David, was incredibly knowledgeable and helpful. Every stop was a new adventure. We were four 70+ year olds but had no trouble negotiating the tour. Love the country.
Sophie Cutler
Bekræftet kunde
I was pleasantly surprised with the small size of our tour group. The Highlights of Slovenia Tour is named perfectly - we were taken to the top spots this beautiful country has to offer. The accommodations were fantastic - great breakfasts included! Our tour guide/driver, Nina, was delightful and knowledgeable. For anyone who wants a taste of what this lovely country is like, this is the tour for you! Would highly recommend.
Linda Burdeaux
Bekræftet kunde
Slovenia is beautiful- had a great time with Alenka.
Kathleen Reilly
Bekræftet kunde
Having just returned from eight days in Slovenia, I can only say "wow". It is a magnificent country of beauty, greenery, and friendliness. Slovenia Tours created an itinerary for the eight people in our group, and we could not have been happier. Our journey took us to Ljubljana, Lake Bled and Piran with many unique stops along the way. Our guide, Tine, helped to make this trip even more enjoyable. His understanding of the English language was impeccable, his knowledge of the country's history was vast, and his sense of humor was constant...had us continually laughing. Our group has traveled extensively, but I can confidently say this was one of our best trips!
Andrew Walker
Bekræftet kunde
We had a fantastic holiday in Slovenia. This was our first time visiting and we’re very glad that we had someone who was an expert in the area to book the holiday for us. Everything was fantastic, the hotel room was amazing, the ski resort was really family friendly and the kids enjoyed the skiing and the swimming pool next to slopes. We discovered some excellent restaurants with great food and lovely Slovenia wine and all great value.
sarah svensson
Bekræftet kunde
Slovenia holidays did an amazing job to plan my perfect weekend with very short notice. Special thanks to Grega who fix this within 24h before I arrived. As a solo travel i felt safe. I cant wait to go back and se more of the country.
Mark Ray
Bekræftet kunde
Slovenia Tours helped us plan one of the most amazing vacations ever. Grega and Ivana were amazing. There is so much to do and see in Slovenia, they worked hard to understand our requirements and find the best tours, and tour guides for our trip. Highly recommended!
Bekræftet kunde
Slovenia tours did an amazing job and I do not say this lightly. It was an extraordinary voyage through a stunning and lovely and friendly country that left us all in awe and full of admiration.
The activities, the guides, the transport, the locations, the combination of all the various agenda items were wonderful. The hotels fulfilled the expected standard and were all very pleasant.
The value was also very good, so I can only highly recommend Slovenia Tours.
Martin Prince
Bekræftet kunde
We had such a great time with Slovenia Holidays. Ivana was simply amazing. She made an amazing itinerary for our family (two girls 9 & 12). She guided us throughout our travel and kept it fun and interesting for our girls (and grown ups). She was very knowledgeable about every aspect of the country, culture and history. Fantastic recommendations for lodging and food. We would definitely plan a future trip to Slovenia with Ivana and Slovenia Holidays.
Rob Fink
Bekræftet kunde
What a wonderful company! We've never done any guided holidays before, preferring to go it alone. But with 3 young kids now in tow we decided to get some help. And what help! Nothing was too much trouble, all the guides were fantastic - the accommodation they selected was great and all the transfers were hassle free. Thoroughly recommend!
Jessica Wood
Bekræftet kunde
We had a wonderful trip to Slovenia, thanks to Slovenia Holidays! They arranged a perfect mix of kid-friendly and adult activities, so our family of 4 had an amazing experience. From the Pletna boat ride on Lake Bled to touring Ljubljana, the Slovenian capital, by bike, we had a perfect trip. The trip was well organised and I can't recommend them enough!
Nicola Wilson
Bekræftet kunde
We had a wonderful custom trekking and activity holiday with Slovenia Holidays. They understood exactly what we wanted and it was very efficiently organised with excellent customer service. Accommodation exceeded our expectations, transfers were reliable and our activities were exciting and professional. Thank you very much!
Klemen Gerbec
Bekræftet kunde
Was always a fan of guided holidays, but this time I have decided to go for a self guided holidays, to see how well i can guide myself :) It was super easy, fun, great agenda. Just the weather could cool it down a little bit :) however there are so many beautiful alpine lakes in Slovenia where you can cool down, if you like refreshing water that is :) Thank you for this water filled holiday! it was an absolute blast!
Armand Zavec
Bekræftet kunde
Slovenia is super small, but that's what makes it easy to drive from one part of the country to another :) Great holidays! Feels like it lasted a year not 8 days! Awesome job guys on everything!
Alex Zych
Bekræftet kunde
God service, meget konkurrencedygtige priser. Ture meget godt paced og smart sammensat, smuk måde at se en smuk lille lomme af verden på!
Scott Phares
Bekræftet kunde
Vi tog en tur rundt i Ljubljana med vores guide Ivana. Hun var meget vidende og viste os steder og ting, som vi selv ville have overset.
Vi vil stærkt anbefale at gøre denne tur. Det vil forbedre og informere din tid der.
Privat guidet
En privat tur giver dig frihed og fleksibilitet til at tilpasse dine dage på turen til dine behov og ønsker. Chaufføren, guiden og alle dine transfers er kun for dig, så du har mere kontrol over din tid og tidsplan og en mere personlig oplevelse uden at skulle tilpasse dig en større gruppe. Uanset om du rejser alene eller med familie og venner, giver guidede private ture dig mulighed for flere stop, tilføjelser og ændringer på farten, så længe de passer ind i rejseplanen, som vi omhyggeligt forbereder og organiserer, så du kan få en ubekymret ferie.
For travellers that want flexibility and independence. We organize the tours of your choice, but the adventure of getting around is all yours. You will get a fly & drive itinerary handout with activities, accommodations and travelling tips with full support of our team for any emergencies or concerns. You will take yourself around, but we can arrange a car rental or even a campervan if you wish.
Kun det bedste
Vores professionelle team af lokale med stor erfaring inden for turisme har udvalgt de bedste ting at lave i Slovenien for alle slags rejsende.
Ekspert lokale guider
Vores professionelle guider kender de bedste steder, de er gode at være sammen med og vil gøre en ekstra indsats for dig.
100% Fremstillet i Slovenien
Vi er baseret i Slovenien, og alle vores ferier er designet af os selv, hvilket gør priserne og oplevelserne bedre for dig.
Mange har tillid til os
Vi er et fuldt kautioneret og forsikret rejseselskab, der holder dine penge sikre, og med tusindvis af tilfredse kunder i fortiden sætter vi dig stadig i første række.
Discover the very best of South-East Europe on this extraordinary Balkan tour of four unique countries - Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro.
Udvalg af ture og sightseeingferier. Find det, der passer bedst til dig, blandt eventyr-, familie-, luksus- eller skiferierejser i steder som Ljubljana, Bled-søen og meget mere.