Lähde omatoimiselle tai opastetulle kävelylomalle Sloveniaan ja tutustu vuoristoomme ja laaksoihimme omakohtaisesti retkillä, jotka sopivat kaikille vaelluksen harrastajille.
Experience the country’s diversity on this unforgettable eight-day walk & cycle Slovenia holiday, where every day is an adventure, and no two days are alike.
Vaella Triglavin kansallispuiston ja sen Seitsemän järven laakson parhaimmiston läpi ja koe Alpe Adria Trail -reitti kävelemällä Sočan laakson smaragdinväristä jokea pitkin.
Tutustu Slovenian sydämeen: vaella Ojstrican huipuilla, purjehdi Bled-järvellä ja vaella Triglavin laaksoissa matkalla, jossa alppien ihmeet kohtaavat rauhalliset vedet.
Koe Julian Alppien parhaat puolet kolmessa päivässä, vieraile lumoavassa Seitsemän järven laaksossa ja yövy aidoissa Triglavin kansallispuiston vuoristomajoissa.
Ylellinen ulkoiluloma Sloveniassa, jossa yhdistyvät seikkailut omaan tahtiin ja ylelliset kokemukset poikkeuksellisissa ravintoloissa ja luksuskohteissa.
Tutustu Juliana & Alpe Adria -reittien parhaiden osien loistoon, matkalle seesteisten järvien, majesteettisten vesiputousten ja kulttuurisesti rikkaiden kylien läpi.
Kulje Juliana Trail -reitillä Slovenian sydämessä, jossa Julian Alppien koskematon kauneus ja alppikaupunkien rauhallinen viehätysvoima avautuvat joka askeleella.
Vaella Pokljukan ylätasangon yläpuolella olevalla näköalaharjanteella, joka vie Bohinj-järveltä Bled-järvelle ja tarjoaa upean näkymän Julian Alpeille ja Triglav-vuorelle.
Delve into Slovenia's awe-inspiring scenery with a tailor-made hiking and cycling tour, exploring the country's vibrant towns, scenic roads, and majestic alpine peaks.
Kauniiden vuorten, laaksojen, järvien, vesiputousten ja jokien muodostamien maisemiensa ansiosta Slovenia on todella upea paikka. vaellusparatiisi.
Ei ole mikään yllätys, että patikointi ja vuorikiipeily ovat jo pitkään olleet kansallisurheilulajeja ja monien slovenialaisten suosikkiharrastuksia. Tämä näkyy monissa hyvin hoidetuissa ja perusteellisesti merkityissä poluissa, jotka muodostavat itseopastetut kävelykierrokset varteenotettava vaihtoehto kaikille, joilla on jonkin verran vaelluskokemusta.
Guided walking holidays Sloveniassa sopivat erinomaisesti sekä kokeneille että kokemattomille vaeltajille, jotka haluavat viettää aikaa paikallisten kanssa ja hyötyä heidän paikallisesta näkemyksestään. Täällä on myös paljon vuoristomajoja, jotka tarjoavat runsaita perinteisiä ruokia ja yöpymispaikkoja, jos sinua kiinnostaa... patikointi majalta majalle.
Toinen vaihtoehto on valita kotipesä ja jatkaa matkaa. päivittäiset vaellukset sieltä. Näin voit joko tutkia paikallinen keittiö aitouden osalta vuoristomajat tai kokeile monia erinomaisia ravintoloita iltaisin vaelluksen jälkeen. Tämä on erityisen hyvä tapa viettää lomaa, jos haluat kävellä melko tasaisessa maastossa ja haluat kokea luonnonihmeitä. Julian Alpit matkan varrella ilman vaikeiden nousujen fyysistä rasitusta.
Tarjoamme Slovenian vuoristomatkoillamme ensisijaisesti vaelluksia Julian Alpeilla, ja se johtuu siitä, että ne sisältävät laajan valikoiman vaellusreittejä, ja kaikista niistä on upeat näköalat. Olet taatusti hämmästynyt upeista maisemista. vuoristojärvet, vihreä laaksot, koskematon joet, ja lumoava vesiputoukset tällä alueella.
Tarjoamme suunnitellut Slovenian vaelluslomat jossa on upeita kävelyreittejä, ja meillä on tietoa ja kokemusta myös räätälöityjen vaellusten laatimisesta.
Voit valita opastetun kierroksen ja kokeneet paikalliset retkeilyoppaat tai itseopastettu kierros, jossa me valmistelemme teidän matkasuunnitelma sekä yksityiskohtaiset kartat ja tee majoitusvaraukset. Majoitusvaihtoehtoja on erilaisia riippuen reitistäsi ja siitä, haluatko nukkua laakson hotellien mukavuudessa vai kokea vuoristomajojen minimaalisen mutta kodikkaan mukavuuden.
Jos vaihtoehtomme eivät riitä, Kävelymatkat Slovenia, sisarbrändillämme saattaa olla jotain sinulle.
Jos haluat kiivetä Slovenian korkeimmalle huipulle, kannattaa suunnata osoitteeseen Triglav Tours ja tulla "aidoksi slovenialaiseksi"!
R Spencer
Vahvistettu asiakas
The service provided by this company is first class. Our agent, Marusa was superb in terms of her communication, her suggestions and recommendations and brilliant organisation of our trip. Had we tied to organise for ourselves we would almost certainly have missed things out through lack of knowledge. Everything worked so well that we were able to make the most of our first wonderful visit to this beautiful, friendly and hospitable country. We loved it.
Jorrit van Gelder
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Very helpful travel agency. Great contact who always replied swiftly and adequately. They deliver as promised!
Harrie Boonen
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Slovenia Holidays / World Discovery ( travel agent Grega) arranged a one week travel program for us in Slovenia, combining our own wishes of some hiking and nature experiences, some sea-, city- and country-side visits and his own suggestions (Ljubljana food tour, Planina cave spelunking with personal guide, etc.). The process around customising the itinerary and perfecting it went very smooth. He arranged tickets, guides and a rental car, all accessible through a neat app, and the plan turned out to fit very well, including a rental car upgrade to accommodate larger then anticipated suitcases. We had not heard so much about Slovenia beforehand, but it is amazing, as are its people, food, culture and not least its diverse nature, its exceptional gorges and caves.
Chris Jukes
Vahvistettu asiakas
Slovenia Holidays did a fantastic job in putting together an eight-day, tailor-made tour for our small group. We had an amazing time and highly enjoyed all elements of our trip – including tour of Ljubljana, gorge hiking, visiting Slovenia’s famous caves, alpine views, hot air balloon ride, beautiful coastal town of Piran and, of course, delicious food and wine 😊. Our holiday agent – Grega - was a pleasure to work with and ensured our holiday covered the key locations and experiences Slovenia has to offer.
The tour was a perfect introduction of Slovenia – beautiful and diverse country. We enjoyed everything, well organised and felt in safe hands. Our guide – Sanda - was a good match for us and tuned into our relaxed attitude.
We would highly recommend Slovenia Holidays to anyone wishing to discover and explore real Slovenia.
Susan Mulready
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Our private Hike and Bike tour was nothing short of amazing! We had a fantastic holiday, and Tomaz, our guide, went out of his way to ensure everything went smoothly. He was knowledgeable, punctual, entertaining, reliable, experienced... the perfect guide! It was a pleasure to indulge in such a breathtakingly beautiful country. Thank you, Ivana and Grega, for arranging our trip professionally and efficiently.
Carol Thomson
Vahvistettu asiakas
Slovenia Holidays tarjosi meille upean kokemuksen. Suunnitellun toiminnan ja vapaa-ajan välillä oli hyvä tasapaino. Oppaamme Ivana oli paitsi asiantunteva myös erittäin ystävällinen ja avulias. Rakastuimme Sloveniaan ja odotamme innolla, että pääsemme takaisin. Silloin käytämme Slovenia Holidaysia uudelleen!
Saraah Daniel
Vahvistettu asiakas
Dear Urska
Happy New Year!
I wanted to extend our sincere gratitude for the amazing trip you put together for us. Every detail had been arranged and shared with us, making the trip stress free and extremely relaxing.
Having never previously used a travel agent I admit to being a little apprehensive, but I can't praise you enough for the seamless organisation and arrangements.
Tomaz was fantastic and stayed in contact as required for our various transfers. I would highly recommend you and your team to anyone travelling to Slovenia.
Unfortunately, I don't have a Google account so it will not register my 5-star rating, but please feel free to use the above for a testimonial.
Thank you again
stephen purcell
Vahvistettu asiakas
This was a fabulous trip from start to finish. Highly recommend Slovenia Tours!
Chuck Narod
Vahvistettu asiakas
Such a surprise that everyone spoke English and was most friendly. Our guide, David, was incredibly knowledgeable and helpful. Every stop was a new adventure. We were four 70+ year olds but had no trouble negotiating the tour. Love the country.
Sophie Cutler
Vahvistettu asiakas
I was pleasantly surprised with the small size of our tour group. The Highlights of Slovenia Tour is named perfectly - we were taken to the top spots this beautiful country has to offer. The accommodations were fantastic - great breakfasts included! Our tour guide/driver, Nina, was delightful and knowledgeable. For anyone who wants a taste of what this lovely country is like, this is the tour for you! Would highly recommend.
Linda Burdeaux
Vahvistettu asiakas
Slovenia is beautiful- had a great time with Alenka.
Kathleen Reilly
Vahvistettu asiakas
Having just returned from eight days in Slovenia, I can only say "wow". It is a magnificent country of beauty, greenery, and friendliness. Slovenia Tours created an itinerary for the eight people in our group, and we could not have been happier. Our journey took us to Ljubljana, Lake Bled and Piran with many unique stops along the way. Our guide, Tine, helped to make this trip even more enjoyable. His understanding of the English language was impeccable, his knowledge of the country's history was vast, and his sense of humor was constant...had us continually laughing. Our group has traveled extensively, but I can confidently say this was one of our best trips!
Andrew Walker
Vahvistettu asiakas
We had a fantastic holiday in Slovenia. This was our first time visiting and we’re very glad that we had someone who was an expert in the area to book the holiday for us. Everything was fantastic, the hotel room was amazing, the ski resort was really family friendly and the kids enjoyed the skiing and the swimming pool next to slopes. We discovered some excellent restaurants with great food and lovely Slovenia wine and all great value.
sarah svensson
Vahvistettu asiakas
Slovenia holidays did an amazing job to plan my perfect weekend with very short notice. Special thanks to Grega who fix this within 24h before I arrived. As a solo travel i felt safe. I cant wait to go back and se more of the country.
Mark Ray
Vahvistettu asiakas
Slovenia Tours helped us plan one of the most amazing vacations ever. Grega and Ivana were amazing. There is so much to do and see in Slovenia, they worked hard to understand our requirements and find the best tours, and tour guides for our trip. Highly recommended!
Vahvistettu asiakas
Slovenia tours did an amazing job and I do not say this lightly. It was an extraordinary voyage through a stunning and lovely and friendly country that left us all in awe and full of admiration.
The activities, the guides, the transport, the locations, the combination of all the various agenda items were wonderful. The hotels fulfilled the expected standard and were all very pleasant.
The value was also very good, so I can only highly recommend Slovenia Tours.
Martin Prince
Vahvistettu asiakas
We had such a great time with Slovenia Holidays. Ivana was simply amazing. She made an amazing itinerary for our family (two girls 9 & 12). She guided us throughout our travel and kept it fun and interesting for our girls (and grown ups). She was very knowledgeable about every aspect of the country, culture and history. Fantastic recommendations for lodging and food. We would definitely plan a future trip to Slovenia with Ivana and Slovenia Holidays.
Rob Fink
Vahvistettu asiakas
What a wonderful company! We've never done any guided holidays before, preferring to go it alone. But with 3 young kids now in tow we decided to get some help. And what help! Nothing was too much trouble, all the guides were fantastic - the accommodation they selected was great and all the transfers were hassle free. Thoroughly recommend!
Jessica Wood
Vahvistettu asiakas
We had a wonderful trip to Slovenia, thanks to Slovenia Holidays! They arranged a perfect mix of kid-friendly and adult activities, so our family of 4 had an amazing experience. From the Pletna boat ride on Lake Bled to touring Ljubljana, the Slovenian capital, by bike, we had a perfect trip. The trip was well organised and I can't recommend them enough!
Nicola Wilson
Vahvistettu asiakas
We had a wonderful custom trekking and activity holiday with Slovenia Holidays. They understood exactly what we wanted and it was very efficiently organised with excellent customer service. Accommodation exceeded our expectations, transfers were reliable and our activities were exciting and professional. Thank you very much!
Klemen Gerbec
Vahvistettu asiakas
Was always a fan of guided holidays, but this time I have decided to go for a self guided holidays, to see how well i can guide myself :) It was super easy, fun, great agenda. Just the weather could cool it down a little bit :) however there are so many beautiful alpine lakes in Slovenia where you can cool down, if you like refreshing water that is :) Thank you for this water filled holiday! it was an absolute blast!
Armand Zavec
Vahvistettu asiakas
Slovenia is super small, but that's what makes it easy to drive from one part of the country to another :) Great holidays! Feels like it lasted a year not 8 days! Awesome job guys on everything!
Alex Zych
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Loistava palvelu, erittäin kilpailukykyinen hinnoittelu. Kierrokset hyvin tahdistettuja ja fiksusti koottu, kaunis tapa nähdä kaunis pieni osa maailmaa!
Scott Phares
Vahvistettu asiakas
Teimme kierroksen Ljubljanassa oppaamme Ivanan kanssa. Hän oli erittäin asiantunteva ja näytti meille paikkoja ja asioita, jotka olisimme jääneet huomaamatta omin päin.
Suosittelemme lämpimästi tämän kierroksen tekemistä. Se parantaa ja informoi aikaa siellä.
Ammattitaitoinen tiimimme, joka koostuu paikallisista matkailualan ammattilaisista ja jolla on laaja kokemus matkailusta, on koonnut yhteen Slovenian parhaat aktiviteetit kaikenlaisille matkailijoille.
Asiantuntevat paikalliset oppaat
Ammattitaitoiset oppaamme tuntevat parhaat paikat, heidän kanssaan on mukava olla ja he tekevät kaiken mahdollisen puolestasi.
100% Valmistettu Sloveniassa
Toimipaikkamme on Sloveniassa, ja kaikki lomamatkamme ovat itse suunnittelemiamme, mikä tekee hinnoista ja kokemuksista sinulle edullisempia.
Monien luottamus
Olemme täysin sidottu ja vakuutettu matkailuyritys, joka pitää rahasi turvassa, ja meillä on tuhansia tyytyväisiä asiakkaita, joten olemme edelleen asettaneet sinut etusijalle.
Valikoima matkoja ja kiertoajeluja. Löydä itsellesi parhaiten sopiva seikkailu-, perhe-, luksus- tai hiihtoloma esimerkiksi Ljubljanassa ja Bled-järvellä.