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Practical Information

The latest information on the travel requirements and restrictions due to COVID-19, and other practical information when visiting Slovenia.


The official language is Slovenian, however, most people in Slovenia, especially the younger generation, are fluent in English, and some even speak several foreign languages, which means communicating is easy and straightforward.

Time & National Holidays

Central European Time GMT + 1, in summer GMT + 2.

Here’s a list of work-free days that may affect working hours for shops, restaurants, museums, banks, transportation, etc:

1 and 2 January

8 February

12 April

23 April

27 April

1 and 2 May

25 June

15 August

31 October

1 November

25 December

26 December

New Year’s Day

Prešeren Day, the Slovenian Cultural Holiday


Easter Monday

Day of Uprising against Occupation

May Day Holiday

Statehood Day

Assumption Day

Reformation Day

All Saints Day


Independence and Unity Day

Use this practical information to make your holiday in Slovenia more enjoyable

Units of measurement

Slovenia uses the metric system (meters, kilometers, grams, kilograms…) and temperature is expressed in degrees Celsius.

Money & Budget

Money does not only make the world go round; it helps you go around the world. 

Slovenia’s currency is the EURO (€)

One euro is divided into 100 cents. 

There are seven types of euro notes: €5, €10, €20, €50, €100, €200 and €500. 

In practice, you may have trouble changing notes larger than €50 in smaller shops, so having some smaller bills on you is recommended.

Euro is the official currency of Slovenia

Where can I exchange my money?

Money exchange services are located all over Slovenia:

  • Major border crossings
  • Airports
  • Exchange bureau in bigger towns  
  • Banks 
  • Travel agencies 
  • Tourist offices
  • Post offices 
  • Main train stations

* Most banks take a 1% commission, while tourist offices, travel agencies and exchange bureaus usually charge around 3%. For current exchange rates click here.

ATMs – where to find them and how to use them?

Slovenia has an advanced banking system, which means cash machines (ATMs) are located in every town, many villages, near popular tourist destinations, and larger shopping centers. 

Always choose to be charged in the local currency.

If an ATM gives you the option of being charged in your home currency, decline it. The local bank is charging you at a hidden and likely unfair rate. Getting charged in the local currency will save you money on every transaction.

What should I know about using my debit cards in Slovenia?

Most major credit cards will be accepted (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, etc.). 

However, certain shops and tourist farms, as well as mountain huts, do not accept credit cards, so it is always a good idea to carry some cash with you. 

How much cash should I carry around with me?

There is no need to carry a lot of notes and change, but do make sure to have at least 100 euros (per person) with you just in case. Sometimes ATMs don’t work or run out of money, or the place you’re going to doesn’t accept credit cards, or its credit card terminal fails. 

The daily budget for Slovenia is around 70 €

How much will I spend in Slovenia?

It depends how much you are planning on splashing out, but the daily budget lingers at around 70 euros per person. 

For a more comprehensive spending budget click here

Do I have to pay tourist tax in Slovenia? 

Yes. Individual municipalities can charge up to 2.5 euros per person per day, the rate is defined by each municipality separately. Make sure to check with your guide, travel agency, or inquire at a tourist information center regarding the rates. 

Do I have to tip in Slovenia?

You don’t have to, but leaving a 10-15% tip in restaurants or pubs for good service will be greeted with a smile. Gratuity in hotels is nice and rounding up the fare in taxis is common. In Slovenia, tipping is therefore not obligatory, but it’s a most welcome practice

Tipping is not obligatory, but still highly appreciated

Can or should I haggle in Slovenia?

Not really. Haggling or bargaining the price is not a common practice in Slovenia and can even be taken as an insult. The exception could be local markets, but even there, let the seller initiate the haggling. 

Can I use travelers’ cheques in Slovenia?

Traveler’s cheques typically come with poor exchange rates and it’s very difficult to cash them. Most shops and restaurants in Europe won’t even accept them. We do not recommend you take them with you. 

Health & Safety

COVID-19 travel restrictions 

The latest information on the current situation, travel requirements, and restrictions due to COVID-19 can be found on the government’s official website.

All information regarding the border crossing and necessary requirements you can find here and also on this site here (Web application “Enter Slovenia”).

Slovenia is one of the safest countries in the world

Is Slovenia safe?

Slovenia is very safe. 

The Global Peace Index ranks Slovenia as the 8th safest country on Earth

This means criminal activities of any kind are at a very low level, and tourists can feel safe strolling the streets. However, common sense should always be applied. 


Slovenia has strict anti-discrimination laws that protect the LGBTQ community. Prejudice is not common, but you should keep in mind that the rural parts of Slovenia are still somewhat conservative. But overall, Slovenian society is LGBTQ friendly.

Women solo travelers:

Gender equality is an issue that is being approached most diligently on every level of society, and tourism is no exception. Women can feel safe traveling around Slovenia alone. 


Slovenia has strict policies regarding child wellbeing and safety. Most facilities and institutions that you will encounter have child-friendly services. 

Are there any dangerous animals in Slovenia?

Slovenia’s scenic countryside is home to a few venomous snakes, the brown bear, the lynx, and wolves roaming around, but you would have to be extremely unlucky to encounter any of them. 

The most dangerous animal comes in a much smaller form: The tick. This miniature creature carries nasty diseases, such as Lyme disease, Borrelia, or meningoencephalitis. If you’re planning on spending a great deal of time in nature, vaccination is recommended, or at least apply tick repellent. It’s also good to check yourself for ticks after spending the day outside. 

What to do in an emergency?

The main emergency number is 112

112 Emergency Call Centre will dispatch first responders (emergency medical assistance, fire department, veterinary assistance, mountain rescue, the police, and other units). Users with disabilities can use WAP 112 and SMS 112 to contact the emergency services.

Police: 113 – emergencies, 080 12 00 – anonymous police phone line 

Roadside assistance and towing: 1987 AMZS  

Tourist helpline: 080 1900 – tourists and tourism workers can report their comments, complaints, criticism, and suggestions at this toll-free number 24 hour a day.

Hospitals & Pharmacies 

Excellent medical care is provided throughout Slovenia. Every city has health centers and clinics in small towns. 

Pharmacies are in the plenty and are fully stocked.  

There should be no problem to find a pharmacy in Slovenia

Should I get travel insurance for Slovenia?

Citizens of European Union Member States can travel to Slovenia with the European Health Insurance Card. It can be obtained by the citizens of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.

The card gives you access to public health services (doctors, pharmacies). 

If you do have to pay for health services in Slovenia, you will be reimbursed after your return to your homeland. With the European Health Insurance Card, you get all the necessary medical care, yet the card does not cover health services from private providers. 

Third-country citizens are advised to take out international travel insurance before traveling to Slovenia. Additional health insurance is advisable for everyone. 

We recommend you check with your travel agency for further details. 

Can I swim in the waters of Slovenia?

Slovenia has been blessed with some of the most pristine waters in the world. Many rivers, lakes and the sea can be enjoyed by swimmers. But do make sure to follow safety regulations and signs, especially in protected natural parks and reserves. 

Slovenian waters are clean and ready to be swam in

Is it safe to drink water from the tap?

Yes, the water in Slovenia is drinkable. 

Phones & Internet

In terms of telecommunication and internet coverage, Slovenia is a very advanced country. Free wireless networks are available everywhere (except in the mountains or out in the wild, where the signal may disappear altogether). 

You shouldn’t have issues connecting to the internet or using your phone in any way.

Good mobile and internet coverage all over the country

Country calling code +386

International call prefix: 00

Trunk prefix: 0

*For more information regarding rates, we recommend you contact your local provider. 

Do I need a power plug adapter?

Slovenia operates on a 230V supply voltage and 50Hz, which require plug types C and F. 

Whether or not you need to bring an adapter, simply check this handy website

Slovenia uses the type F power sockets

How & What To Pack For Your Slovenia Holidays

Making a checklist of what to pack is not always the easiest task before heading out on your travels. It can be quite tricky. Remember, the better you pack, the more fun you will have on your holiday.

To help you with your packing, we have assembled a list of tips you can use when going on your next holiday to Slovenia.

Pack light and make it easier to travel

Pack Light

Travelling light is always the best way to travel. Both physically and with less hassle. Plus, they won’t charge you for those extra pounds/kilograms at the airport. Why slalom through the crowds at the terminal or train station like a cumbersome lost elephant, when you could be slipping through like an agile cat.

Check the size & weight of your luggage

Most airlines allow you to check one bag and one carry-on bag. Normally, a maximum weight limit is around 50 lb (22.67 kg) per checked bag as well as a size restriction.

The most common maximum size for a bag is usually around 62 linear inches (157.5 cm). A common size bag that you can check through at an airport: 27″ x 21″ x 14″ (68.6 x 53.3 x 35.5 cm). Always check the exact bag measurements and other restrictions with your airline.

Like planes, our ground transfers also limited capacity, especially if there are more guests arriving. The restrictions are therefore mostly limited to one big bag and one carry-on bag.

If you are planning to hike, bring a backpack as a carry on

Carryon bag

Electronics and personal items should go in your carry-on bag. It is also wise to pack a day’s change of clothes in your carry-on, just in case there are any complications with your luggage at the airport.

It makes sense to pack your carry-on in a backpack, which you will later need on your hiking or sightseeing trips in Slovenia.

Big travel bag

If you have an inconspicuous-looking suitcase or bag, we recommend you tie a handkerchief or something similar to it, so that you can quickly spot it at the luggage claim and not confuse it with someone else’s.

What To Pack?

The easiest way to pack is by considering your day-to-day itinerary. Think of what you will be wearing every day. Take into account the type of holiday, time of year, weather forecast, and location in Slovenia (Alps, city, sea), and thus determine what clothes you will be wearing on your trip accordingly. In addition, always pack a few extra layers, because you never know.

If you are ever in doubt, you can always consult with us. We are happy to advise. A few days prior to your holidays, we can also supply more specific advice regarding the weather forecast.

And if you happen to forget something vital, do not worry; you can always buy anything in Slovenia. Our shops are sufficiently stocked. 

Visit Slovenia any time of the year

As a country with a very diverse continental climate, it is important to know when to visit Slovenia. Weather can change quite rapidly, depending on the region and season. Although the distances from the Mediterranean to the mountainous areas are short, this does not necessarily correlate with what kind of weather you can expect. It is therefore very important to know where you will be traveling to when picking the best time to visit Slovenia.

Packaging According To Activity

No matter what type of holidays you are venturing on, if you intend to be outdoors a lot, it is wise to dress comfortably and in accordance with the weather forecast.

Always pack some sports clothes, a pair of comfortable shoes, and plan a layering system – the easiest way to pack your clothes according to your activities itinerary and the weather.

Pack according to the type of activity you plan doing in Slovenia

Water-based activities

Even if you’re not heading to the coast, it’s worth taking a swimsuit and towel with you.

Slovenia’s Alpine world has plenty of pristine lakes and rivers where summertime swimming comes highly recommended.

You will also need a swimsuit and towel for activities such as canyoning, rafting, kayaking, etc. If you opt for wearing open footwear in the summer, various sports sandals with a slightly better grip are much better than flip-flops.

Hiking & walking

What exactly to pack for a hiking holiday largely depends on the time of year, the weather forecast, and how demanding your chosen hiking adventure is.

However, some general guidelines always apply:

Synthetics and wool are the way to go. Synthetics are airier and wick away moisture as well as dry quickly, while wool is more odor resistant and keeps you nice and warm if you get wet.

Avoid cotton, as it makes you sweat quickly and does not dry for a long time, as a result, it makes you cold and smelly.

Hikers in Slovenia
Layering is the best way of clothing for hiking

Layering system: Base layer (wool or synthetics), over one or two insulating layers and over a layer that protects you from the elements (wind, rain, snow).

No matter when and where you travel, it always makes sense to have all three. Even in mid-summer, a light jacket can be most welcome in the mountains, particularly in the morning or evening.

Change socks regularly. A fresh pair for each day or even a spare.

Comfortable shoes with a good grip, and an additional pair of sneakers or something similar to let your feet rest while you’re not hiking.

Throw something comfortable and casual in there to wear at dinner time.

Bring comfortable hiking shoes

Cycling clothes

It very much depends on the type of cycling and location. Yet there are a few tips that apply to any cycling holiday:

Padded trousers significantly affect your level of comfort, especially when engaging in several consecutive days of cycling.

Despite the fact that we always provide a helmet, people usually feel better on their own, which they are used to.

Clothing is similar to hiking

If you have them, take your own cycling shoes, and let us know what type of pedals to provide. Or bring your own pedals.

The layering system is the same as described for hiking above.

For mountain biking, the hiking layering system, which also includes the last layers for protection against wind and possible rain, with gloves and earmuffs, is your safest bet.

Road cyclists, in principle, have a more complex system, but feel free to consult us before departure.

Road cycling has a more complex system of clothing

Common items you always need

Sun protection (cream, sunglasses, headgear)

Toiletries and personal items: passport and/or other valid travel documents, emergency contact information (e.g. credit card company, bank, and your physician’s phone number), any prescription drugs you take on a regular basis, a camera, an alarm clock, cell phone.

In Slovenia we use 220-V outlets, so make sure to pack an adapter if needed.

The currency is in EUR. Most places accept credit cards, but remote places (mountain huts, some tourist farms, etc.) do not, so bring cash.

Phone reception is of good quality in Slovenia (LTE mostly). Again, the mountains can be a different story.

Appropriate health insurance is vital. Also check any specific according to activities.

Remember to check if you have the right health insurance

What to pack in different seasons?


With an omnipresent chance of chillier and rainy days, always remember to pack some warmer waterproof clothing and good-quality walking shoes. Especially if you plan on visiting the mountainous region.   

Waterproof clothing will probably come in handy in autumn


The summer’s rising temperatures allow for T-shirts and shorts, particularly in July and August, but remember to pack a lightweight umbrella and some long-sleeved clothes as well. And remember, the Alpine region has a completely different set of rules.

Even in summer, weather conditions in the mountains tend to change in a blink of an eye, so a wind stopper jacket, a few warmer layers, and waterproof hiking shoes are obligatory. Plus, don’t forget your sunglasses and sunscreen!   

Don’t forget to take your swimwear when here in summertime


With every passing day, especially from October onwards, temperatures in autumn decrease significantly, so you will need to pack much warmer clothes. While September still allows for T-shirts and light sweaters, the wetter and cooler months that follow call for jumpers and waterproof coats.


Needless to say, the temperatures are cold to freezing in Slovenia in winter, so packing your warmest winter coat is certainly a given. Hats, gloves, scarves, and waterproof shoes/boots with good grip are also a very useful addition to your traveler’s wardrobe.   

Warm winter clothing is especially important for outdoor activities

For a clearer understanding of the weather and climate in Slovenia by the time of year and location, feel free to check this handy weather atlas.

Girl holding a map next to Dragon Bridge in Ljubljana

Dragon Bridge in Ljubljana

Girl holding a map next to Dragon Bridge in Ljubljana
R Spencer
Verified Customer
The service provided by this company is first class. Our agent, Marusa was superb in terms of her communication, her suggestions and recommendations and brilliant organisation of our trip. Had we tied to organise for ourselves we would almost certainly have missed things out through lack of knowledge. Everything worked so well that we were able to make the most of our first wonderful visit to this beautiful, friendly and hospitable country. We loved it.
Jorrit van Gelder
Verified Customer
Very helpful travel agency. Great contact who always replied swiftly and adequately. They deliver as promised!
Harrie Boonen
Verified Customer
Slovenia Holidays / World Discovery ( travel agent Grega) arranged a one week travel program for us in Slovenia, combining our own wishes of some hiking and nature experiences, some sea-, city- and country-side visits and his own suggestions (Ljubljana food tour, Planina cave spelunking with personal guide, etc.). The process around customising the itinerary and perfecting it went very smooth. He arranged tickets, guides and a rental car, all accessible through a neat app, and the plan turned out to fit very well, including a rental car upgrade to accommodate larger then anticipated suitcases. We had not heard so much about Slovenia beforehand, but it is amazing, as are its people, food, culture and not least its diverse nature, its exceptional gorges and caves.
Chris Jukes
Verified Customer
Slovenia Holidays did a fantastic job in putting together an eight-day, tailor-made tour for our small group. We had an amazing time and highly enjoyed all elements of our trip – including tour of Ljubljana, gorge hiking, visiting Slovenia’s famous caves, alpine views, hot air balloon ride, beautiful coastal town of Piran and, of course, delicious food and wine 😊. Our holiday agent – Grega - was a pleasure to work with and ensured our holiday covered the key locations and experiences Slovenia has to offer. The tour was a perfect introduction of Slovenia – beautiful and diverse country. We enjoyed everything, well organised and felt in safe hands. Our guide – Sanda - was a good match for us and tuned into our relaxed attitude. We would highly recommend Slovenia Holidays to anyone wishing to discover and explore real Slovenia.
Susan Mulready
Verified Customer
Our private Hike and Bike tour was nothing short of amazing! We had a fantastic holiday, and Tomaz, our guide, went out of his way to ensure everything went smoothly. He was knowledgeable, punctual, entertaining, reliable, experienced... the perfect guide! It was a pleasure to indulge in such a breathtakingly beautiful country. Thank you, Ivana and Grega, for arranging our trip professionally and efficiently.
Carol Thomson
Verified Customer
Slovenia Holidays provided a great experience for us. There was a good balance between planned activity and free time. Our guide Ivana was not only knowledgeable but very friendly and helpful as well. We fell in love with Slovenia and look forward to going back. When we do we will use Slovenia Holidays again!

Only the Best

Our professional team of locals with vast experience in tourism has cherry-picked the best things to do in Slovenia for all sorts of travellers.

Expert Local Guides

Our professional guides know the best places, are great to be around, and will go that extra mile for you.

100% Made in Slovenia

We are based in Slovenia and all of our holidays are of our own design, making the prices and experiences better for you.

Trusted by Many

We are a fully bonded and insured travel company, keeping your money safe and with thousands of satisfied customers in the past, we still put you first.

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Portfolio company of World Discovery.